Wednesday, August 02, 2006


The evenings go by so quickly. I come home, eat something before I "waste away to nothing" (yeah like that's possible in my case), do some dishes, and it's already Jay Leno time. Then I stare and chuckle at his jokes, and before I know it, it's tomorrow! The reaction of course is "Oh #!*$^#%&$, it's so late, I gotta get up in the morning!" And invariably, by the end of the week, I'm setting up 4 alarm clocks instead of the usual two, just to get up semi-on-time. Tomorrow will be a real treat - I have to be at work at 7am. I should be zzzz-ing away already, but I really wanted to see what's new in the blog world. Plus I was cooking a soup for tomorrow until just recently, so I couldn't go to bed anyway ;-)
In case you are wondering, it's still soooooooooooooo hot here! It was 84 in my apartment when I got home despite my one unit running ALL DAY! Crazy.
Well, stay cool (as Julia Roberts said in Pretty Woman)!


At 7:50 AM, Blogger AnneMarie said...

take care of YOU (still Julia Roberts)
little girl just joined me here... asking for breakfast. She sleeps so well!!!
I know the feeling.. I go all over looking at blogland.. need to get my butt into bed... or better yet my fingers full of glue andglitter!!!

we went swimming last night and are going again in just about an hour or so! yipee!


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